At the Same Time


At The Same Time is a self-published book that represents the culmination of a five-year project by six artists. Collecting the work of Steven Beckly and Dylan MacNeil (Toronto, Canada), Ted Kerr (Brooklyn, NY) and Zachary Ayotte (Edmonton, AB), and Colin Quinn and Oisín Share (Manchester, UK), the project reveals commonalities that transcend borders.

Through the internet, the six of us become aware of each other through sites like Flickr, where we would share our work. Over time, it became obvious that we were all speaking to each other (intentionally or not) through our photographs. The moments of softness, intimacy, sex and domesticity reveal a world that each of us contributed to, simultaneoulsy and at a distance, where understandings of gender and power begin to shift.

The work was exhibited in Edmonton, Toronto, and Manchester. Then, in 2012, we published the book.

Features essays by AA Bronson, Paul Mgapi Sepuya, and Sholem Krishtalka.

Concluding Essay

Book Photographs by Steven Beckly